Congrès des Étudiants INRS-ETE
Previous editions

Previous editions

Édition 2019

Conference Program

Scientific program: download the list of oral and poster presentations You can also read all the conference abstracts via this link.

Thursday November 7th AM: Interdisciplinary research workshop (30 places)

In multidisciplinary teams, participants designed a proposal to a call for research projects on an environmental theme. Advisors were available to guide the work. Among these, Normand Bergeron from INRS.

Thursday PM: Student presentations (oral and poster)

Presentations were in French or in English. Participants were encouraged to try a new poster style. Poster 2.0.

A : Métaux, nanoplastiques et pesticides (13h30 à 14h45)

B : Impacts sur les populations / Machine learning (15h15 à 16h30)

Thursday 17h: Live interview of four participants in front of the audience in a special edition of À nous la terre , a radio show on CKIA 88,3 FM

Where: District Saint-Joseph, at 240 Saint-Joseph East. Free and open to the general public! From 5 to 7 PM.

Listent to the podcast :

Participants were selected among the willing participants of the conference, and interviewed by radio host Jackie Smith ( À nous la terre, CKIA 88,3 FM). Cet évènement de médiation scientifique était ouvert au public, enregistré, et les entrevues diffusées à l’émission de radio la semaine suivante.

Friday November 8th AM and early PM: Student presentations (oral and poster)

C : Avancées dans le suivi des contaminants (9h à 10h30)

D : Contexte autochtone (11h à 12h)

E : Gestion et mitigation (13h à 14h)

Vendredi PM : Table ronde ENAP « Politiques publiques et résultats de la recherche scientifique »

Where: At the ENAP "amphithéâtre" from 2:30 to 3:45 PM

This panel on governance was hosted by Charles Lecavalier, journalist at Journal de Québec.It is inspired by ENAP). Des volontaires ont été sélectionné.e.s parmi les inscrit.e.s.

en_CAEnglish (Canada)